Monday, September 12, 2011

Cats And Pregnancy

as what happen at PETKNODE i heard a story about this guy wanting to just give away his cat the one that he send to PETKNODE to the fosterer..with an excuse "my wife is pregnant ".then i ask myself.."why the heck that u send ur cat there in the first place?to leave the cat there forever and suffer ?" or maybe "when u took the cat back u just gonna leave the cat anywhere ?"

i am so piss and frustrated by this.u see as most of u know already that i am 6 month pregnant .i have 9 cats at the moment. well I AM NOT THE BEST PERSON TO TALK ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I AM NO EXPERT!" but a lot of reading can help u.we have a lot of info on the internet and lots of book about someone who have a lot of cats at home yes i have to do my reading when i start to know that im pregnant.

BEING PREGNANT DOES NOT MEAN THAT U HAVE TO THROW UR CATS!there are misconception about if  u have a cat u cant get pregnant. that's one thing..some say it will be hard for u to get pregnant...THIS STATEMENT IS WRONG!in Islam we believe in "whatever it is its in the hand of ALLAH." 

u see i did watch last time..i cant remember what program is it ..they talking about pets ..and this one actress said " if u got cats its not easy to get pregnant" ..hello u are giving a wrong info to people at that time im not pregnant yet..and i got cats! so what do u think that statement mean to me ?ya of course i was a bit worried !

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GET RID YOUR CATS..u just have to plan!it will be challenging if u are a cat is a plan -when u are pregnant-another is a plan -once the child is born-the name of the virus is TOXOPLASMOSISdefinitionToxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a parasite that can infect your cat if she eats prey already harboring the parasite or comes into contact with contaminated soil. Toxoplasmosis is rare among indoor-only cats.

plus if u already been around cats for so long there's a possibility that u are already immune to this Toxoplasmosis.which if u are pregnant u can ask ur doctor to check it for be honest i haven't check yet so i will definitely do it soon.

THE PRECAUTION IS VERY EASY TO DO...To prevent getting infected with the disease, whenever you scoop or clean the litter box, wear disposable gloves and wash your hands immediately afterward. Even better, get a friend or adult member of the family to take over litter box..and of course please USE UR HUSBAND !this is a time where ur husband need to lend his helping hands.oh come on DO HELP UR WIFE! well on my side its not easy to just let my husband to do everything.i somehow have to help out as i cant just sit around at home seeing the house all mess i try my level best to do the necessary precaution.

plus not only from cats that u can receive this virus!Eating raw or under cooked meat is the most common way that humans contract toxoplasmosis. If you eat meat, wash off all surfaces and utensils that touched raw meat, and don't prepare meat and raw foods like salads on the same cutting board. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling raw meat.

If you are doing some gardening, wear gloves when working in the soil. The toxoplasmosis parasite lives in the dirt, so also wash your hands well after gardening.

the chances are that you have already been exposed to toxoplasmosis by handling raw meat or gardening without gloves. According to the CDC, "More that 60 million men, women and children in the U.S. carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness."

some of the above statement i just COPY AND PASTE from Google .DO SOME READING PEOPLE!especially the husband! don't just throw away ur cats just because people said " u will get this and that disease if u got cats and ur wife is pregnant"

the other thing that u need to concern with is if u have asthma..and there are possibility it can effected ur child if u are so close with try to MAKE SURE YOURSELF IS CLEAN..and AVOID BEING WITH CATS but STILL IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT U HAVE TO THROW AWAY UR CATS! another suggestion GET A CAGE!

that's why i always inform people DO UR i said IM NOT THE BEST PERSON TO TALK ABOUT THIS .i pray everyday that my child is born healthy and happy..and of course does not have any problems with animals.PLEASE PRAY FOR ME ALSO PEOPLE.

im just saying that some people just give excuse and excuse and excuse just to avoid things.come on we are not that stupid to understand will just describe what kind of person u are!

please watch this video.teach ur kids from beginning to love animals will bring the love and care to the child .xoxo.

"Cats and babies have coexisted peacefully for thousands of years."

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